Kirsty Robinson

Financial Adviser with True Potential

North East, England

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  • Level 4 Diploma in Financial Planning from The Chartered Insurance Institute
  • Member of The Personal Finance Society
  • Certificate in Life and Pensions from The Chartered Insurance Institute
  • Financial Planning Certificate from The Chartered Insurance Institute
  • Level 3 Certificate in Mortgage Advice from The Chartered Insurance Institute
  • (FP1) Financial services and their regulation - August 1997
  • (FP2) Protection, savings and investment - September 1998
  • (FP3) Identifying and satisfying client needs - October 1998
  • (J01) Personal tax - April 2010 - April 2010
  • (R01) Financial services, regulation and ethics - August 2012
  • (R02) Investment principles and risk - December 2011
  • (R05) Financial protection - December 2012

My Services

My Team

Why True Potential?

We are award winning

Our aim is to revolutionise the way wealth management is delivered. We believe that by using award winning technology to deliver financial services, we empower financial advisers and their clients to take control of their futures.

14 awards
14 industry awards won in 2023

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We provide innovative investments

Whether you’re aiming to pay off your mortgage, cover university fees or just grow your money our Portfolios use a pioneering approach known as Advanced Diversifications to find opportunities for growth that others can’t replicate.

28 billion
Invested with over 500,000 clients’

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We build revolutionary technology

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8 million
Over 8 million logins in 2023

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Get Started

Tell me your goals

Reach your True Potential.

We all have goals in life that we would like to achieve, these can range from long term retirement plans, being able to grow your finances, or to give something to the next generation. However, the longer you wait to act, the more difficult if could be to achieve these goals.

Please get in touch and I can help put together a plan to set you on the right path to achieving your financial goals.

How can I help you?

Client testimonials